
Mandalorian super commando captain
Mandalorian super commando captain

  • Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 2,762: Luke Skywa.
  • Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 2,763: R3-H17 (Dr.
  • Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 2,764: Mandaloria.
  • Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 2,765: Mandaloria.
  • I'm dying to see if we get the other figures from the series to go with him! (You know, like Cyborg Maul.) Good job, all those involved, which is why we're all sitting here waiting for more now.Ĭollector's Notes: I got mine from. If I stopped collecting figures, I would've come back for this one - the Mandalorian Super Commando gives us the figure of legend, and it turned out especially well. but not skimping where there needed to be new ones. For a retool, Hasbro did an amazing job giving us a figure that looks exactly right by making use of existing tooling assets. While not the best figure of 2020, this is another on my short list of absolute favorites. The mostly black and grey armor has Maul-like patterns all over, which is hugely cool in terms of the costume but horribly silly in terms of someone like Maul potentially keeping a low profile after being replaced in the order of the Sith after his whole forced bisection. The helmet has sculpted horns and no rangefinder, making it distinctive and - so far - unique to this release. (I'd prefer they pick one and stick to it, though.) The figure is a bit back-heavy, but he can stand more easily than Jango and his holsters are a bit less rubbery - and therefore better. While I wish we got this guy in the 3 3/4-inch line - animated, live action, whatever - this is plenty good and I'd be happy to get more in any one scale.

    Mandalorian super commando captain